It's left me with a lot of interesting questions for humanity as a whole, but that is a different blog.
Anyway, someone who I used to be friends with on facebook (After this, I hope you understand) posted the following:

"Holy shit," I thought, "is this person really this stupid?" And then, "Why am I friends with this person?" And promptly deleted this person, despite having a few nice conversations a few years back. (Good excuse to clean out facebook friends: especially these sort.)
Anyway, when I get angry I tend to think. A lot. Way too much for my own good. And then I get mad.
I started thinking about how much I'm weary of the entire Kony thing. I'm pretty certain there are a lot of humans in this world, who do this, on a larger, smaller, equal, scale. Kony has gotten himself some attention. Bad guy, yes. Should he be stopped? Yes. Should we stop pursing bad guys after we get one? No.
Anyway, so I got to thinking of the stupidity behind a fore mentioned post.
Did she really just make that comparison? Is she saying, she would rather a child be born, the mother raped and murdered, the child to grow up enslaved, heavily abused, rather than someone have an abortion? That is what I hear.
And then I thought about how many countries have lax child labor laws, and how common child labor and children are exploited.
I could say a lot of things. I really could. I'm trying to keep a clear head. It is so hard though when you feel so angry at the world for letting these things happen. And a single mother who is so blinded by the desire to "stand for something" she is willing to say, "Slavery and abuse is a better existence than no existence at all?"
Did it not even occur to this person that this is not the thing to be pushing anti-choice propaganda on? Do most people not THINK about what the world is becoming when atrocities are just another part of the daily grind? Is it to the point even ordinary people are thinking about the best "marketing approach" when it comes to tragedies so they can pimp their own causes?
When did atrocities become part of a business model? "Yeah, the world is shit, so what else is new? I've got sweatshop labor to exploit. You call it slavery, I call it maximizing my returns by cutting every cost possible during the manufacturing process." people just not THINK anymore?
Do you see why I'm mad? Do you see why I'm mad, at a large chunk of the world?
I'm mad as hell.
I'd keep going, but I'm so mad that it is hard to stay adequately coherent. So do this one simple thing.